designer / illustrator / berkeley, ca

Hello! My name is Alina Buevich and I’m a designer & illustrator—sometimes my work lives online but other times you can spot it in print, at events, or even on some merch. Outside of that, I also spend my time drawing, taking on freelance projects, and collaborating on lump shop. In a lot of these projects you’ll see examples of work from my time as an in-house designer at Discord and Chronicle Books.

Any questions . ?

Idle Nights Collection

/ 2023
Project Lead / Alina BuevichIllustration / Kevin Dam
Graphic Design / Alina Buevich, Amo Zhou, Angela Nguyen 
Copywriter / Mark Donnelly 

At the beginning of 2023 we launched a Spring/Summer merch collection inspired by asking the question: If Nelly (our robot hamster company mascot) were to record an album, what would it look like? Our answer to that was Idle Nights, a futuristic city pop inspired electronic album. Along with a tracklist, the team created beautiful cover art, designed a slew of high quality merch, and art directed a photoshoot to show off our creations.


Nelly Plushie

/ 2022
One of my favorite projects from my time at Discord definitely has to be the plushie version of Nelly, the robot hamster who secretly keeps the whole operation afloat. If Wumpus is the face of the company, she would be the brains, body, and basically everything else. Often appearing in more technical situations (e.g. the 404 page) her robotic nature led to an interesting design challenge for a soft cuddly plushie.


From initial product research, to concepting, to sketching out rough designs, to creating 3d renders (made by Kevin Tang), to months of intermittent feedback with the production vendors—making a plushie takes time. Here are some excerpts from what that process looked like:


/ 2022
A T-shirt design for my favorite local listener supported radio station, KALX (90.7FM).  

Patent Tees

/ 2022—2023
Celebratory tees designed for internal teams that successfully submitted patents. Pretty self explanatory but I had a lot of fun riffing off of old school patent illustration styles and glow in the dark skeletons for this series.