designer / illustrator / berkeley, ca

Hello! My name is Alina Buevich and I’m a designer & illustrator—sometimes you can spot my work at events but other times it lives online, in print, or even on some merch. Outside of that, I also spend my time drawing, taking on freelance projects, and collaborating on lump shop. In a lot of these projects you’ll see examples of work from my time as an in-house designer at Discord and Chronicle Books.

Any questions . ?

H  HELLO . . .

    IT’S SO DARK NOW . . .

Thanks for stopping by! If you’d like to get in touch please feel free to reach out:

  Uncover the secrets to travel back through time


NAME: Alina
HEIGHT: 5’7.5
PRONOUNS: she/her
BORN: Moscow, Russia
RAISED: New Jersey
ARTIST’S STATEMENT: I draw the lil guys

LIKES: Tucci, sugar, computer, comics, crosswords, reading, tennis, procrasti-cleaning, biking
LIKES (CRAFTING EDITION): printing, bookbinding, calligraphy, sewing, felting, ceramics
DISLIKES: cold savory food